Tuesday, July 26, 2016

So why not something for everyone?

  Have you ever heard that bit about how the richest country on the planet should provide everyone with a minimum income and lifestyle?
 I agree that we should have a minimum level of lifestyle for everyone. However, what I might think is good enough may be too low for you and too high for the next person. 

 But here are my thoughts on it.

  In the US we should start by putting every new born CITIZEN on a health care program that will cover the childhood shots and needs and provide care until they reach 21. From there on they get an annual health screen and any needed preventative treatments. Lifestyle choices that are considered bad will be provided counseling to help you get off them. Those who choose to not change will sign a waiver of coverage for any problems those choices may cause. Over eating, drugs and booze are a choice. I would build government run hospitals and clinics across the country where treatment is free except for the above mentioned lifestyle choices. Waits at free clinics tend to be long. Private hospitals will want insurance cards or cash.

  I would also give every new born a Social Security Account and from the day of their birth I would put $1000 a month into that account. That money belongs to the person from day one. Credited every month on their birth date it goes on the books.

  If a parent falls on hard times they can file to access the money to help with expenses, but they have to show a good reason to get to it, and will be limited to $1000 a month. They cannot drain what is in the account before they file. Parental access ends when the child turns eighteen.

 That money, left alone, will be over $200,000 by the time the child reaches college age and can be used to pay for the college of their choice. Or at eighteen the child can start getting the $1000 each month to live on. The choice to draw the money must be renewed every six months. Again except for justified uses like college or buying a home access to the balance is blocked.

  A young adult has another choice available. They can find a job and earn a living while still drawing that extra $1000, or just live on what they earn and let the SSA money accrue.  

 A young adult can, if they wish, choose to live out their life on just that basic income. They can try to get by in the general world, or they can choose to go where that money will be more than enough to live on. They can, if they want, sign up to be a ward of the government, or WOG.  

  We should build cities for those who choose to be on minimum support. Nice cities with public transportation and clean streets, parks and libraries. Government run schools within easy bus rides from the housing blocks, stores located in an evenly spaced grid to make them easy to get to, clinics and hospitals will all be provided. Minimum comfort levels, prices kept at acceptable levels to match the minimum level of income, everything needed for a minimum level of life within reach and affordable.

  Those who choose this life of their own free will however, will have to give up some things to get it. Someone else will decide what that minimum level of life should be. You will not be able to vote for politicians who promise to raise the standards to ever higher levels. Those who choose to be a ward of the government cannot vote. To allow them to vote risks building a block of semi slaves that will be forced to be loyal to their masters who hold the purse strings.

 Anyone can leave the WOG status at any time. Just get a job. Seek employment, start paying taxes, and after a year you are can be a citizen again. But that will mean leaving the city housing blocks and supporting yourself.  No more shopping at the low income stores and the like.

 Those who are forced to the minimum level due to health, age, or misfortune, who do not want to sign up as a WOG, still have all their rights and can choose to live where they wish. They will get the same minimum support and any other income they may have earned while working or can earn at the time. They will still be taxed at the going rate and expected to do their best to support themselves.

  Left alone that basic income should, by the age of 65 say, be about three quarters of a million in the bank. If you live to be ninety for example that would let you draw $31,000 a year on top of your $1000 a month as a basic retirement. That’s better than most get today. Add in a company retirement plan and you have a pretty good setup for your Golden Years.

  Okay so where does the money come from to pay for all this? It comes from taxes of course. Taxes on those who want more than a basic lifestyle, who feel the need to produce something with their own hands, or mind, who want to give their children and spouses a better life, and all those government workers who work in those government run cities for the WOGs. And remember the money the WOGs get, comes right back into the government coffers from the government run stores and shops.

  What current problems would be solved? Well there would be no welfare, food stamps, unemployment, disability, medicare, or medicaid to be defrauded and wasted. Unemployment will drop as a WOG is not counted as unemployed because they are not in the labor force by choice. There will still be demand for all the basics and all the luxuries and frills of life so there will be jobs providing them and well as the government jobs looking after the WOGs.