Monday, July 19, 2010

Are We Looking in the Wrong Direction?

There is a common belief in the UFO community that we have been visited almost continuously over the ages. In our attempts to find these visitors we have studied the stars that lie far from our own. But what if we are looking the wrong way?
The Bible speaks of a race, chosen by God, which faced almost continual persecution through out their history. Driven out of their homeland by natural forces they were enslaved, escaped, were pursued, wandered for decades, returned to their home, and then were attacked, conquered, and scattered across the planet.
Let’s think about this for a moment. Let’s suppose that part of this story relates to a race other than the Hebrews of the Bible. Let’s say it refers to a race from another planet.
Long ago on a planet far far away there was a race of beings. For some reason the planet became unable to sustain the people so in a massive effort they left their home world and searched for another. On the outer edge of a spiral galaxy they found one that was all but perfect. The only draw back was it was populated by a less advanced species that was very much like themselves. The travelers settled into an area of the Far East in what is now the sub continent of Indo-China, where they established settlements and in time even began to mate with the locals. While many lived in the villages and towns on earth many, for some reason, remained in the large ships that remained in very low orbit overhead. Ancient pictographs and carvings from around the world show what may have been these visitors with flying machines.
Sound familiar? If you are a follower of the Ancient Aliens theory it should. The texts are often quoted in arguments about early UFOs. Artifacts from around the world that seem to portray aircraft and flying objects may refer to these visitors. According to the texts the travelers were around for generations before something went terribly wrong. Written roughly 4000 years ago the texts describe a war that took place between rival factions of the travelers, after which the survivors left on their original ships. While no solid reason is given in these texts for the split there is a story else where that may fit.
The Bible tells of a time when the children of men mingled with the beings from Heaven. And it describes efforts by the leaders of the beings to end the interbreeding. Many biblical scholars of the middle ages tried to compute the age of man by working backward through the generations of Noah and came up with a period of 5000 years or about 4000 years BC. Again sound familiar?
The ancient texts, the Bible, and the writings and legends of other civilizations describe attempts by some to survive horrendous attacks on settlements by beings not of this world and even contain instructions from Gods for armies to wipe out whole peoples. Could these be continuing efforts to remove the visitor’s genes from the pool? We have evidence from around the world of cities that were abandoned, and of civilizations that disappeared. Were they wiped out by chemical or biological warfare? There are stories from the Dark Ages that talk of hooded figures walking in the crops of some villages sweeping staffs back and forth over the crops that made a hissing sound. Could they have been spraying a biological agent in the fields that caused the plagues? Is the image handed down of the Grim Reaper with his scythe actually a being in a Hazmat Suit with a spray wand in his hand?
Then we have another story to consider. In Germany in the 1560s the citizens arose as the night watchmen began sounding an alarm. The morning skies were alight with moving lights. As dawn broke the lights became objects of different sizes and shapes that mingled and swept across the sky as far as the eye could see. To people some what familiar with sea battles it became clear that a huge battle, that we would call an aerial Dog Fight today, was underway. The battle must have raged in the space around the planet and drifted down into the atmosphere, and one can only imagine what the night sky that morning had looked like with the combatants far above in view. As they watched they saw some objects destroyed and even some seem to fall to earth. But in time one group gained the upper hand and the battle moved up and out of view.
By its self this is very interesting but then we have the report from an astronomer in Spain about 200 years later of a fleet of shapes seen in sillhouette against the Sun. A fleet that traveled in a stream across the disc that took hours to pass. As recently as this year large objects have been seen by astronomers passing between the Earth and the Sun. What might these things be?
Could it be that the race of travelers that once lived among us are still nearby? Attacked and forced to flee the planet they may have been forced to watch as their descendants were hunted down and killed. Or perhaps the text is closer and the fight was among factions of their own people, possibly driven by a type of racism to protect the purity of their own race. Remember, for most of history man was to take wives only from among his own people. Could this be a reflection of this ancient bias to protect the bloodlines? What would a species that looked enough like us to live among us look like after 500 years in space? Large heads and shrunken bodies perhaps?
Today we have the UFO phenomenon and the Alien Abduction reports. Could this be an effort to protect what’s left of the mixed bloodlines, or an effort to find and destroy the last traces of it?
Several studies of the abduction phenomonen have found that there are far too many for simple scientific sampleing, but it would match an attempt to monitor the spread of an infection.
Perhaps the UFOs we see aren’t from beyond the stars but from bases inside our own orbit. They may be here as protectors trying to guard the offspring of their ancestors, or they may be here to enforce a quarantine and keep our mixed species from spreading. In either case we can only wonder what will be the final outcome.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

ET and God?

The True Path

For as long as man has been self aware he has tried to explain the world in which he lives. He lives in a world of forces and creatures that interact with him in strange and mysterious ways and he wanted, and still today wants, to know why.
I won’t say that man became more intelligent over time, because there is no real proof of that. Rather I will say that man became better educated. As time passed the elders of the tribe passed along the stories and their own interpretations of the things around them. The elders produced those who became the Shamans who tried to keep the accumulated knowledge of the tribe. This knowledge was disbursed as situations arose and the people asked for explanations. And this was repeated in the stories told to children by the women of the tribe.
Our ancestors lived in a world that was as much spiritual as physical. They knew the spirits and named them by types and functions and many of those names were passed down through the fog of time. They are the stuff of the myth and legends we so often disregard. Because, we now live in a world of Science where there is no room for spirits.
It is a sad truth that as a culture becomes more “advanced” they become less and less spiritual. And that brings us to the world we live in today. A world where the spirits our ancestors knew are still here, just known by other names and other descriptions.
I have described how the creatures of myth may have a foothold in modern cultures before. This time I will continue on the subject of the UFO phenomenon and how the stories of abductees compare to the legends of our past.
Many have read the stories of the abductee who once taken is mated with an alien being. Think about that for a moment, why would an advanced race do that? There are far more examples of the ET taking sperm and egg samples by surgical means so why have a sexual act involved? Why risk the transfer of less desirable organisms? The answers would be pure speculation so we leave it at that, but the story has a familiar ring to it. The Incubus.
For at least a thousand years the Incubus and Succubus have prowled the world of darkness. When we add in the stories of Fairies, Satyrs, and Sprites that were known to cavort with humans we have a story that stretches back to man's earliest days. Sometimes attractive, shapely, and woman like, sometimes ugly and beastlike, sometimes androgynous they all share the common desire for the human seed. Or at the least a desire to mate with humans and possibly risk producing offspring. But why?
Perhaps we need look no further than our own history to find an answer. Our history is filled with stories of people having sex with all manner of creatures for no other reason than they could. Our own Earth bound explorers did not hesitate to make use of the women they encountered in their travels to ease the “stress” of a long voyage. Perhaps an ET would also seek a little friendly R&R as it were, or just be moved try something “kinky” for a change. Could it be just silly human pride that wants to make more of it than that?
There also are stories of women becoming pregnant after, or being pregnant before, the abduction. In almost all the after cases the ET returns later and removes the Fetus, and even in some of the before cases the Fetus is removed. Why? Perhaps ET has past cases to think of as well. Legend does speak of children born of visits to Humans by the Gods, and how they differed from true Humans. And, I can understand the ET desire to leave no trace behind, and so abort any pregnancy caused by a crewman, but why take a human Fetus? Sadly the most likely reason to me is as a specimen for study.
And the Hybrid children some report? I doubt that is accurate. It is more likely that the human was shown children to let them see that the ET also produces young like we do. But think about it for a moment, why would an exploration ship have a day care for children? Why use the space and fuel to haul a bunch of kids through space? It would be far more likely that the young were the next generation of Crewmen. Crewmen grown as the ship needed them, probably with much accelerated growth and other genetic modifications intended to make them useful as soon as possible. They looked different because they were designed that way. They may look more human so they can move about our planet less noticed, or it may be nothing more than utility, form follows function as it were. After all our body design is that of the most successful creature on the planet, so why not grow drones in that design to do surveys with?
Just as early man looked up at the sky and asked “Why?” the abducted often ask the same of their abductors.
So what then do we make of the answers/ messages that many claim they received while in ET’s company?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I borrowed this list from another site that deals with UFO encounters. After looking it over I now believe that almost everyone I have ever met has been abducted. Just joking of course, but the list covers so many common things it's scary. Number 48 for example describes every teenager I knew as a boy, and most people I know today.
But injoy.

Alien Abductions
52 Indicators Of Encounters Or Abductions By Aliens
Many millions of people, it seems, have had encounters with alien beings. Many of those people do not realize that they are having these experiences because of suppressed memories. Their awareness is limited to an occasional paranormal incident that seems to confuse them more than anything else. Some people are not ready to know for sure, others feel a deep need to know if they are involved with the beings. If you are in the later group, read on. This is a list of 52 common indicators shared by most UFO abductees. It is based on known research on the subject and on personal findings. It has been compiled to help you determine if you are abductee. Of course there may be other explanations for these occurrences and this is in no way an absolute means of knowing if you are an abductee. If you or someone you know does fit many of these traits listed here, PLEASE seek the help of a qualified researcher of therapist. This list is not in any particular order. Ask yourself if you . . .
1. Have had missing or lost time of any length, especially one hour or more.
2. Have been paralyzed in bed with a being in your room.
3. Have unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them. Especially if you have an emotional reaction to them. (i.e. small scoop indentation, straight line scar, scars in roof of mouth. in nose, behind or in ears, or genitals, etc.
4. Have seen balls of light or flashes of light in your home or other locations
5. Have a memory of flying through the air that could not be a dream.
6. Have a "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: alien face, examination, needle, table, strange baby, etc.)
7. Have seen beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window.
8. Have had dreams of UFOs, beams of light, or alien beings.
9. Have had a UFO sighting or sightings in your life.
10. Have a cosmic awareness, an interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism, or are very socially conscious.
11. Have a strong sense of having a mission or important task to perform, without knowing where this compulsion came from.
12. Have had unexplainable events occur in your life, and felt strangely anxious afterwards.
13. For women only: Have had false pregnancy or missing fetus. (Pregnant, and then not)
14. Have awoken in another place than where you went to sleep, or don't remember ever going to sleep. (i.e. upside down in bed, or in your car)
15. Have had a dream of eyes such as animal eyes (like an owl or deer), or remember seeing an animal looking in at you. Also if you have a fear of eyes.
16. Have awoken in the middle of the night startled.
17. Have strong reaction to cover of Communion or pictures of aliens. Either an aversion to or being drawn to.
18. Have inexplicably strong fears or phobias. (i.e. heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, your personal security or being alone).
19. Have experienced self-esteem problem much of your life.
20. Have seen someone with you become paralyzed, motionless, or frozen in time, especially someone you sleep with.
21. Have awoken with marks, burns or bruises that appeared during the night with no explanation on how you could have possibly received them.
22. Have had someone in your life that claims to have witnessed a ship or alien near you or has witnessed you having been missing.
23. Have had, at any time, blood or an unusual stain on sheet or pillow, with no explanation of how it got there.
24. Have an interest in the subject of UFO sightings or aliens, perhaps compelled to read about it a lot, or an extreme aversion towards the subject.
25. Have been suddenly compelled to drive or walk to an out of the way or unknown area.
26. Have the feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night.
27. Have had dreams of passing through a closed window or solid wall.
28. Have seen a strange fog or haze that should not be there.
29. Have heard strange humming or pulsing sounds, and you could not identify the source.
30. Have had unusual nosebleeds at any time in your life. Or have awoken with a nosebleed.
31. Have awoken with soreness in your genitals that cannot be explained.
32. Have had back or neck problems, T-3 vertebrae out often, or awoken with an unusual stiffness in any part of the body.
33. Have had chronic sinusitis or nasal problems.
34. Have had electronics around you go haywire or oddly malfunction with no explanation (such as street lights going out as you walk under them, TV's and radios affected as you move close, etc.).
35. Have seen a hooded figure in or near your home, especially next to your bed.
36. Have had frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear.
37. Have an unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment.
38. Have insomnia or sleep disorders that are puzzling to you.
39. Have had dreams of doctors or medical procedures.
40. Have frequent or sporadic headaches, especially in the sinus, behind one eye, or in one ear. 41. Have the feeling that you are going crazy for even thinking about these sorts of things.
42. Have had paranormal or psychic experiences, including intuition.
43. Have been prone to compulsive or addictive behavior.
44. Have channeled telepathic messages from extraterrestrials.
45. Have been afraid of your closet, now or as a child.
46. Have had sexual or relationship problems (such as a mysterious "feeling" that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with "something" important you must do).
47. Have to sleep against the wall or must sleep with your bed against a wall.
48. Have a difficult time trusting other people; Especially authority figures.
49. Have had dreams of destruction or catastrophe.
50. Have the feeling that you are not supposed to talk about these things, or that you should not talk about them.
51. Have tried to resolve these types of problems with little or no success.
52. Have many of these traits but can't remember anything about an abduction or alien encounter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The UFO Community

The UFO community consists of the people who find this subject attractive for some reason. There are authors who have written and sold books on the subject, people who have seen strange objects in the sky, those who claim to have been abducted or have willingly entered a craft, and those who claim to study the phenomenon
By far the biggest complaint of the UFO community has been the lack of interest by the "Main Stream Science" community. Why is it they ask that so many sightings and so much evidence goes un looked at? There must be a cover up in place!
But then if one takes a step back and looks at just who is in the mix with the rest you can see why few scientists worth their PHD would associate with them.
For every average Joe that has seen something in the sky there is someone who claims that the answer is metaphysical and that the "Saucers" are actually from another dimension and are just projected into our minds. The discussion runs from images of pure energy to solid objects operated by our own government in secret. Physics, Quantum Physics, and the Occult all get tossed into the mix and stirred vigorously.
Another huge problem for their credibility is their gullibility. One one site I visit I have seen a complete change in what is quoted as "accepted" or " widely accepted" theories. A change brought about by little more than a new member who has a decent mastery of words.
And then there is the Science Fiction influence.
Oh where to begin on this one!
Suffice it to say that the long running series Stargate-SG1 has left a lasting impression on how the Grey ETs are viewed. And that Close Encounters of The Third Kind, and ET, have convinced millions of the good intentions of any ETs that may drop by.
There may be some hope for a decent investigation though. The UFO group MUFON has teamed with a billionaire to study sightings. The "generous donor" has a motive of his own of course, he owns a company trying to develop technology based on reported capabilities of these things.
And thus is born another conspiracy theory.