Sunday, January 29, 2017

If God is real, he must feel like most parents do at times.

 Have you ever watched as one of your kids made a bad decision? In spite of your arguments they are steadfast in their choice and will go ahead in spite of all you say. That must be how God feels now. He has tried and tried but we just will not listen.

  I am not a Muslim but I can see why so many are joining that religion.

  Today the AP reports that the Pope is concerned about the number of priests and nuns who are leaving the church. He blames it on a society that doesn’t respect commitment.  It also mentions that in many countries where the Catholic Church has traditionally been strong the number of young people choosing a life of service has fallen drastically.

  I do not think he understands that he and his policies may be part of the problem.

  There has always been a belief that God is unchanging and forever. “As He is today, was yesterday, and shall always be.” God and his teachings and laws are supposed to be forever just as is his mercy and forgiveness. That is the way it has been described by the various religions that follow the Jewish-Islamic-Christian God. God is unchanging and his laws are set down in the various Holy books. Man cannot change these laws and teachings, just to suit current fashion and societal whims.
  And yet today we demand that God’s words be set aside in the name of Social Justice. Even the Pope himself has stated as much. But the Pope is not God. And he has not the power to re-write God’s words.

  In a time when most religions are losing faithful Islam is growing. Why?

  Islam is unapologetic about God’s word. It is firm in the word being the final answer to all questions. And this unyielding position sets it apart as an anchor in a world of uncertainty. As people march in the streets demanding the Catholics and other Christian sects turn their back on the Holy texts and accept a more PC way of seeing people you see few willing to march against Islam. They know these faithful will not be swayed.
  Where Christianity has become a religion of extreme tolerance and turning the other cheek it has become less and less attractive in a world of uncertainty. How can you turn to a God for help if he keeps changing his mind and going back on his word? How can you trust a God that ignores his own commandments? This is part of why Christians are so looked down on today they are selling out their own God. 

   A Pope who advocates changing the church to attract members is selling out a promise of Heaven and blessings to get a few more faces in the pews. He is damning souls to gain tithes.

   The church was made by man to worship and praise his God. To join a church that you do not agree with is stupid at best. Better to look for one that suits your beliefs, or better yet chose to learn and follow the tenets of the church you have chosen, because any church that is willing to ignore the words of its own God to suit current social whims is not going to save you.

  There is a reason that there is a “Highway to Hell” and a “Stairway to Heaven”.

  It gives you an idea of the traffic flow in each direction.