Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Creation Story

In the beginning all was dark and a void of infinite darkness existed. The dark, empty void of the sleeping, unconscious, mind that we have all known at one time or another.
Then something stirred and the mind became aware and as it became conscious the first words were formed, “Who am I?” As more awareness slowly developed a major step took place when it realized that “I exist. I am.” Slowly as self awareness formed a more clear picture the mind looked outward at the darkness and wondered what was there and in that instant it became light but there was nothing but light to see.
The mind then reduced the light to a faint glow of many smaller lights scattered as far as he could see. In the mind the being began to take shape and as it saw its self standing on something the force of gravity was created and the concept of solid matter took root. Wanting to see where it stood the being brought one speck of light closer to illuminate the surface , and the world was created as a surface stretching off in all directions as far as the mind could see. And the mind began to move across the surface to see what was there.
In its self image it walked and breathed and felt the warmth of the light in the sky and thus these senses and sensations were created. Like a person at a computer creating a simulated city or world, the mind was by, the simple act of doing, creating the world in which it moved. And as it walked it created it all.
It thought of what would become mountains and seas, rivers and deserts, jungles and vast plains of grasses. And it pictured animals of every description from the weird to the most plain, and beings much like its self. As it walked and looked about it was always under the light of the Sun and thus the world moved under its feet and in time it saw it was back where it started. And thus the world was made round and turned in the light of the Sun. That walk created the world and everything in it.
As the mind thought more about its world it added more details. Because of the power of thought it could move anywhere at a whim and none of the rules applied to it. It could introduce a new animal or take a species away at a thought. It could create or destroy anything at a thought, and in time it was aware of that power.
One thing was missing. After a while the mind wanted a being in this world that was aware of the mind. It could become visible and could interact with the creatures it had created but not on the level it wanted. So it thought to create a being that looked the way the mind thought of its self looking. A kind of living replica that the mind could follow and observe, and it made that replica aware of its self, and more importantly, aware of the fact that it had been created by the mind. This first self aware and thinking creature became man when the creator thought of the name.
In time as the story goes, man became lonely for another mind that was also aware. For all the creatures in the world, even those that looked human, were little more than animals going about their lives with no thoughts beyond the needs of the day. So he pleaded with the mind for company, and the mind knowing how he felt gave him a companion.
The mind was happy. He could walk about his world and watch the creatures on it. He could make changes and manipulated them and their lives with a thought. And now he could talk with others that had their own thoughts rather than echoing his own.
But he had created a problem within the world. It was his awareness that created the world and this power was now shared with other less mature beings. Once aware of the conscious mind that created them, men began to imagine that others may be like it. Man was in awe of the power to create life and to destroy worlds and while they worshiped their creator they were jealous as well. At first man only demanded the obedience of his children and family to copy the way he treated his creator. He wanted the worship and respect that he gave his creator to be shown to him for his “creation” of the family.
And the mind of man began to change the world in which he lived. Man taught his children to see the world as he saw it and he began to replace the original creator with explanations that made man the more important. In the collective minds of man a whole new history was created. The collective power of the many now rivaled the single mind of the creator and the mind of man created the evidence he would need to support his beliefs. As he looked to the skies with more and more powerful equipment he expected to see wondrous things and he found them. He looked into the earth expecting to find proof that the world was older than he had thought and he found it. And he even looked into himself and found strange and intricate systems that explained how he worked and why.
Now, as man finds his world spinning out of control, and growing more perplexing day by day, the collective minds are looking for help. They wish for the days when they could call on a single mind, a single being that could rewrite the world and make the evil and trouble go away. But they no longer really believe in the mind’s existence, or in its power. They begin to hope instead for some other race of living creatures that will have the power, and desire, to save them. They have already begun to create signs of their presence in the skies and in their own minds.
The power to create, destroy, or protect was given to man long ago.
But he doesn’t realize his, or its, full potential yet.
He doesn’t yet understand that he has created the world, the very universe, in which he lives. That what his mind can conceive it can achieve. That when he looks for miracles he will see them, and that when he looks for disasters and dangers he will find them as well.
All of his own creation.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

String Theory

The Universe(s)

Picture this. You are floating in space, a white featureless expanse that stretches as far as the eye can see in all directions but one.
In the direct you see a wall that also seems to stretch to infinity.
As you approach the wall it looks like a giant honey comb filled with identical openings. You now notice that scattered all around you other beings are adrift and that all of you are moving toward the wall. Seemingly at random you seem to approach an opening and are drawn into it. With a snap you are stunned and lose references and memories begin to fade. In time you again become slowly aware of yourself and you are a child again and growing up. And you decide to set up.
What happens next is unnoticed by you. Over the course of your life this event will happen over and over and almost always it will go unnoticed. Only if viewed from the outside can the changes to your life be seen for what they truly are. For the choices you make do much more than change the present they move you across the dimensions, across the different parallel universes in which we live.
That wall I described is the entry into existence. When your awareness entered the wall you were entering life as a human being. Within a few years the memories of the past, un-stimulated by interaction with the life you led, will fade from consciousness and be replaced by the memories and experiences of this new life. First your parents will train you to ignore those things of the unseen world that children can see and feel. Then they, and society, will train you to accept the limits of the world based on what man has been able to explore and define. You will live most of your life with your senses turned off to much of what exists around you.
Even more surprising, after you reach the point of self awareness you will begin to travel across the very boundaries of reality.
Remember those openings in the wall? Each one is a different reality, a different parallel universe unto its self yet identical to the one you know in most ways. Like a giant bundle of tubes they are the parallel “strings” of your reality. Those beings you saw were all versions of you, all identical in their minds and all about to be born, all entering life in a different universe at slightly different times. But not entering every universe.
The universe hinges on our decisions, and the decisions of our parents can make the difference as to whether we are even born or not, so in those universes where the right series of decisions were not made we are not born. There, we do not exist.
While every one of our bodies exists at the same time we are only aware of one at a time. And we can move into and out of these lives at will. Say that today at breakfast you had oatmeal or eggs as the choices for breakfast. When you chose you become aware of a life where that decision was made that way. You then live in that reality until your next choice arrives, such as coffee or tea, when you shift again. Your conscious mind shifting to experience the life that follows after each choice. You actually jump from where you were to the opening, or “string”, and the life where that choice takes you. Because you, your parents, and so on, are the products of an endless series of decisions that lead to your existence, within each “string” the world is almost identical. Some small differences may be present but only ones that would never have had an impact on your existence. De ja vu is when an event happens slightly out of synch in the realities you visit and your mind notices it.
In those cases where a profound difference takes place the consciousness is cut off from that reality, it loses its “synch” and can no longer make the jump. In a world where your father died in an accident, while you father in another “string” does not for example. The minds must have almost identical memories and paths to remain in synch.
Slowly as time goes by the number of “strings” we have access to dwindle down to just a few. Fewer and fewer of “us” will have made the same choices and remain in synch until just one remains. When that last version of ourselves dies all the minds and memories of all of us return to the vast expanse we came from and are re-joined.
And there in that vast space we will make another choice, to approach the wall again or not.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stranger in a strange land

A Lesson Learned
Over the last few months I have been fairly active on a few UFO websites, and I have learned a lot.
When I started I was a solid believer in UFOs existence, after all almost everyone has seen something in the sky they couldn’t identify and that is a UFO until you find out more. I had seen a few things myself that I know weren’t swamp gas.
But when I ventured to join a UFO forum and tried to talk with the True Believers out there I was surprised. Not at the depth of knowledge but at the depth of ignorance out there.
NO ONE, it seemed had read anything older than this year’s writings on the subject. NO ONE seemed to understand that computers are a recent invention and that Photoshop wasn’t around in the 1940s. And EVERYONE seemed to accept anything and everything as gospel with no attempt to question the evidence.
I was soundly chastised for questioning a contactee’s story. How could I be so cruel as to think someone would make up such a story! It appears that even those who claim the experience is glorious still have deep emotional trauma from the experience and to doubt their story is like calling the Holocaust a lie.
I was asked many times why I was on a UFO site if I doubted some of the theories put forward, and just why I didn’t BELIEVE any of the conspiracy theories that were the heart and soul of UFOlogy.
In a short time I was labeled a skeptic to be looked at with either pity or hatred.
I am now more convinced than ever before that the reason no REAL scientist will come anywhere near Ufology is the company they will be expected to keep. Even the old established UFO investigation groups are now under attack because they won’t come out in support of the many conspiracy theories, and claims that are out there.
Ufology has, it seems, joined Scientology as a new age religion. And the Gods help the non-believer caught in their midsts.